Recognize what song? Some popular song from the past? Yes, songs from the very distant past, possibly the oldest songs ever heard on earth. What are they? Birds0ngs!
Many people identify birds by their colors, their design, their flight pattern, and their nesting habits. But have you ever listened carefully in order to identify birds by their songs? This is quite easy with some birds, since they do not have much variety in their calls. For example, the mischievous crow. Although one of the most intelligent of birds, its raucous "caw,caw" identifies it immediately. Rooks are also noted for their noisy cawing presence. Another bird, whose woeful call can drive you crazy at night, is the whippoorwill. Its name echoes its call, which seems to go on endlessly, especially when you want to sleep.
There are so many kinds of birds in different parts of the world, by their songs, can you name a few? As for me, well I think should have that clock that mark each hour with the song of different bird. At least would learn 12 birdsongs pretty quickly! (^_^)
It starts with a Yes
The thing with blogging, I guess I just said no to blogging for the last
two years. It's not that I literally stopped writing for ironically I still
am, in...
12 years ago
okay. so i didnt realize that the birds' chirping were actually singing. i cant remember having have heard a birdsong before. but im looking forward to hearing one when i see a bird singing lol.
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