
Monday, June 15, 2009

KETAL? How's the firefly nowadays? I guess the firefly wants to stay outdoors lately that's why you haven't seen her spark here in her blog, lolz! I feel sad not being able to update this bloggy, I don't even to want to login and see what's happening. Wazzup with me? I have no idea! All I know is that there are so many stuff I need to work on here: return your peeks, drop ec, update your links, write sensible/nonsense entries, and all other things a blogger ought to do. Hayyyy umalin! Free Smileys

Anniniput's present thoughts are as follows: (please, bear with me.. hehe!)

~so sick with the A H1N1 reports, don't you think the media is just over acting?
~forever starving, haha! the thoughts of grilled squid is killing me.. hmmmfff!
~pissed with BRO's internet connection... making me unproductive! :D
~what happened to the HK-KH scandal? too scripted isn't it?
~would buy that "Prison Break" complete dvd series, haha! mizzU Wentworth Miller!!!
~paycheck time, yehey!
~winks! see you on Sunday, "old familiar faces!"

See you around bloggers. Would make up to you s00n. Free Smileys