My blogging life begins again. I'm pretty much aware of how I neglected my blogs for almost a year. They say that when someone is important to you, no excuses, no lies, no broken promises. That keeping in touch and giving your time isn't a biggie after all. The same thing applies to my blog. I want a fresh start here again, I swear! LOLZ! How the heck will I do that?
Simple. I'll join Leah's "30-Day Blog Challenge." No reasons for writer's block here or whatever cause topics are provided already. But no, this isn't as easy as it seems. I'm gonna have to write everyday for the next 30 days! Come what bad internet connection, power interruptions, mood swings, et cetera.. Let's see if I can do it.
Here's for a start... (Day 1: Share a recent picture and something about your week)

Alright.. see ya tomorrow! Oh by the way, along with this 30-day blog challenge is another challenge. A 30-day of 5,000 steps goes with it. Cool! I'm so in doubt if I can keep up but I'll try. Looking forward to a slimmer figure after a month.. haha!
PS.. Sorry for the thumbnail pics. Am such a minimalist.
Hehe.. Yeah, it really is harder than it looks.. Topics are provided, but then you still have to organize your thoughts to make a sensible post. It really is a challenge. Hehe..
I'm really glad that I've inspired some bloggers to do the same. That's the reason why we blog, right? To inform and inspire.
You can do it! Good luck!
As you can see, my 30-day challenge had been put on hold, since I'm on my month-long vacation. Taking a rest from blogging.. but then, still blog hopping if I have some time to spare. Again, good luck!
Ika nga ni Jolibee.. "Kaya mo yan, Kid!" :)
My Tasty Treasures
Everyday Letters
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